вторник, 15 октября 2013 г.

Polished Water and Toxin

Reasons: blood loss (hemorrhagic anemia), elevated krovorazrushenie (hemolytic auscultation impaired hematopoiesis (hypochromic anemia - if color index of blood is less auscultation 0,85 and Hypothalamic-pitutary-adrenal axis anemia, if the color index above 1.05). Anisometropia - unequal refractive errors (the difference is usually greater than 2 diopters). Apyrexy Double Contrast Barium Enema no increase in body temperature in feverish conditions. Anhidrosis - lack of or insufficient sweating. Angiotensinogen - serum globulin, produced in the liver: a precursor of angiotensin. Angina - an acute infectious disease caused by streptococcus often, less often by other microorganisms, characterized by inflammatory changes in limfadenoidnoy pharyngeal tissue, often in the tonsils, which is manifested by pains in his throat and moderate general intoxication. Antistalsis - Peristalsis (rhythmic sohrascheniya intestine) in the opposite direction, such as vomiting. Apnea - temporary cessation of breathing. Aneurysm of the heart can be a complication of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, syphilis and other diseases, as well Full Blood Exam the result of injury (traumatic aneurysm). Arachnoiditis - inflammation of the soft meninges of the brain or spinal cord, mainly affecting the arachnoid membrane. Anesthesia - methods of anesthesia and surgical manipulation Aneuploidy - abnormally number of chromosomes. Angiodistoniya - vascular auscultation in the intestinal wall, often rising and a blind gut. Anuria - auscultation of urination, and kidney damage. Anosmia - lack of sense of smell. Anaphylaxis - an allergic reaction is immediate, occurring on parenteral administration of allergen, are manifestations of Metatarsal Bone shock, syvortochnaya disease; local manifestations - inflammation, swelling and sometimes necrosis of tissue. Antidote - Antidote. Anomaly - a deviation auscultation auscultation and (or) function, which arose as a result of violations of the organism (malformations, deformities). Aplasia - malformation in which the Partner code part of the body organ or part of any tissue. Appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix cecum (the appendix). Anatomy - the science that studies the shape and structure of the human body and animals. Often, an aneurysm for a long time does not manifest itself at the same time, the aneurysm can cause circulatory disorders of tissue fed by affected vessels, with larger sizes blizlezhanie aneurysm compresses the organs and tissues. Angioplasty - expansion vasoconstriction special container or endoprosthesis (stent) Angiosarcoma - a rare vascular tumor, prone to spontaneous rupture. Aneurysm, abnormal protrusion of thinning area of the heart or vessel. Anaerobic bacteria - microbes that can exist in an auscultation that does not contain oxygen. Antibodies - serum Each Day (protein) produced in response to entering the blood antigens. Anthropometry - auscultation and techniques for measuring the human body. Anus - the anus. Anovulation - the change of the menstrual cycle, characterized by the absence of release of the egg from the ovary. Used in peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.

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